Friday, February 28, 2014

Homemade Croutons Recipe

Homemade Croutons Recipe

Homemade croutons are very easy to make and can taste much better than 
the ones you buy from the store. They have no preservatives and you can use the bread and seasonings you like.
It is pretty simple to make. There are no exact measurements on the amount of spices you use. It all depends on your taste.

olive oil

 Here is the method I prefer:
  1. First choose your favorite bread  or you can use leftover bread and cut it into cubes. Choose the size depending on your taste. Put bread pieces in a large bowl
  2. Sprinkle croutons with olive oil. I like using Misto Oil Sprayer so they get evenly coated with olive oil. Add salt, pepper and other seasonings like oregano and garlic, if you'd like and toss them so the seasonings are evenly distributed.
  3. Line a baking sheet and bake them on 350F (200C) until they get golden. It usually takes around 20 minutes. Take out of the oven and let them cool. Store in a air tight container or zip lock bag. Consume within a week.