Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Greek Fries

Greek Fries

Everyone knows how to make french fries or fried potatoes at home.  Today I decided to share with you a different recipe for fries - Greek style fries. There are many recipes out there on how to prepare them and what kind of herbs to use, or should you serve them with crumbled feta cheese on top? They can be sliced into thick chips, cut into wedges, deep fried in oil or oven baked. Can be served with or without feta cheese, depending on your taste.
My way of making them s simple. I like to cut them into thick chips, using my Kitchenaid Classic Mandoline Slicer . Then I fry them in canola oil until they start to turn golden. I sprinkle them with oregano, parsley, some thyme and salt. Then I add crumbled feta cheese and some lemon juice.

Servings: 4 (you can make as many as you want)


4 russet potatoes (peeled and sliced into chips, 1/8 inch)
2-3 cups oil
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp parsley
1/2 tsp thyme (easy on the thyme, since it can get a little overwhelming)
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
lemon wedges
salt to taste


You can use a fryer if you have one or fry potatoes in a deep frying pan on high heat. When ready, transfer them to a bowl or plate, add oregano, parsley, thyme and salt (remember there is salt in the cheese). Add crumbled cheese on top. Sprinkle with a few drops of lemon juice.

Greek Fries


  1. Can't wait to try this out! I LOVE anything with Feta!
    Cheers (and following),
    L A
    . RAVISHING on Bloglovin’ here.

    1. Thanks for looking! I followed you too! I like your blog and Etsy store!
