Friday, March 7, 2014

Caprese Salad

Caprese Salad

Caprese salad, often called tomato-mozzarella salad is just the perfect combination of flavors. It looks great and it is very easy to make. Served as a party salad on a large platter this colorful salad looks amazing.
I like drizzling some balsamic vinegar reduction over the salad, which you can make at home or buy from the store. I'll share with you how to make balsamic reduction yourself. It is pretty easy, but the smell is a little strong, while doing it.

Caprese Salad

Here is the recipe for the salad:



2 vine ripe tomatoes (1/4 inch slices)
1/2 pound fresh mozzarella (1/4 inch slices)
10 fresh basil leaves
extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar reduction for drizzling
salt and black pepper to taste
(optional-you can sprinkle some dried oregano for more flavor)


Оn a large platter layer alternating slices of tomatoes and mozzarella and add a basil leave between each. Drizzle the salad with some extra virgin olive oil and decorate with balsamic vinegar reduction. Season with some salt and black pepper to taste.

Balsamic reduction

To make 1/2 cup of reduction you'll need about 1 cup balsamic vinegar. 
Set a deep sauce pan over medium heat and pour balsamic vinegar. Bring to a boil and let it reduce for 10-15 minute, depending on how thick you like it. Remove from heat when it is still pourable, because it will continue to thicken while it cools down. You can even pour it into a squeeze bottle if you'd like to achieve a nice decorating effect. You can use it when it cools to room temperature.

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